Expertise You Can Count On


We help build the nation and contribute to it’s development by partnering and helping companies grow their business and provide livelihood to fellow Filipinos. In providing accounting, finance, audit, payroll inventory and other business outsourcing services to companies, we help them be compliant with relevant regulations and take over necessary work so they can focus on the essential aspects of their business to attain growth.


Business Registration is the formal process through which a new business entity becomes recognized and legally established within a specific jurisdiction. This procedure is a crucial step for any individual or group looking to start a business and operate it legally. Business registration involves submitting required documents, providing essential information, and fulfilling legal obligation to ensure that the business operates within the boundaries set by the local laws and regulations


Business Consultancy, also known as management consulting or business advisory services, involves providing expert advice and solutions to organizations to help them address specific challenges, improve performance, and achieve strategic goals. Business consultants are professionals with specialized knowledge and expertise in various areas of business, and the work closely with clients to analyze their operations, identity opportunities for improvement, and develop actionable strategies for success.


Financial Auditing is a systematic and independent examination of an organization’s financial statements, records, transactions, and internal controls to ensure their accuracy, reliability, and compliance with applicable accounting standards and regulations. The primary goal of a financial audit is to provide assurance to stakeholders, such as investors, creditors, regulators, and the public, that the financial information presented by the organization is trustworthy and fairly represents its financial position and performance.


Bookkeeping involves systematically recording and organizing financial transactions and activities of a business. It provides a detailed record of all financial inflows and outflows, including sales purchases, expenses, and payment.

Financial Reporting involves preparing and presenting financial information in a structured format to various stakeholders, including management, investors, creditors, regulators, and the general public.


Payroll and Human Resources (HR) are two criticcal functions within organizations that are responsible for managing and supporting the workforce, ensuring timely and accurate compensation, and fostering a positive work environment. While they are distinct areas they often overlap and collaborate closely to manage employee-related matters effectively.


Tax Compliance refers to the process of adhering to the tax laws, regulations, and requirements set forth by the government at various levels(local, regional, national). it involves accurately reporting and paying the appropriate amount of taxes on time to the relevant tax authorities. Tax compliance is a fundamental obligation for individuals, businesses, and other entities subject to taxation, and plays a crucial role in maintaining public revenue, funding government programs, and ensuring a fair distribution of resources.


Business Closure refers to the process of permanently ceasing operations and discontinuing all business activities. it involves the formal dissolution of the business entity and the completion of various legal, financial, and administrative steps to ensure a smooth and legally compliant closure. Business closures can occur for various reasons, including financial difficulties, changes in market conditions, retirement of the owner, or a strategic decision to exit the industry.

Charting your financial course:

Secure your appointment for precision accounting with RZF Accounting Services!